About Alexandra Spyridopoulou
Senior Artist Alexandra Spyridopoulou
is the Greek national and francophile bringing a pan-European feel to modern makeup practices. She might be loyal to her native Athens – and effuses about the local mezze and taverns – but she credits Paris with shaping her signature style. Her love of makeup began early, with an over-zealous application of her mother’s silver blue cream eye shadow (“I felt like a little princess!”) and led to a job working behind a M·A·Ccounter. Since then she has gone on to deliver makeup tutorials around the world. “You know what they say about us – once you go M·A·C you never go back!”
Makeup Olympiad
“The highlight of my career so far is participating in the Opening Ceremony of the 2004 Olympic Games in my home town of Athens! Een M·A·C-team met 45 make-up artiesten uit de hele wereld was verantwoordelijk voor de looks van 350 artiesten, dansers, performers, atleten, vrijwilligers en VIP’s. Het team was fantastisch, de sfeer was ontroerend en ook al werkten we 18 uur achter elkaar, niemand heeft geklaagd. Ik kan me nog goed herinneren hoe we aan het eind elkaar huilend hebben omhelsd, omdat we de eer hadden gehad om bij te dragen aan zo’n prestigieus evenement!
Deep Rouge
“The product I instantly fell in love with was Ruby Woo Lipstick. And it remains the love of my life! The texture, colour and feeling of applying it can make my day! If I could only keep three products for the rest of my life I would definitely choose Ruby Woo, False Lashes and Spiked Eye Brows. With these I can create a classic look inspired by my favourite city in the world, Paris. Where else?”
Club Med
“The most popular trend in Greece is strong lips – dark colours during the winter and bright magentas and corals during summer. Mediterranean women love to emphasize their lips. Pro Longwear Lip Pencil mimics the natural lip colour. I’d recommend wearing it with Forecast Prep + Prime Highlighter, which adjusts to every Mediterranean skin tone and Mineralize Skinfinish.